On The Air
On The Air

On The Air

Here some samples of props I designed for a stopmotion animation series in the UK.

A workplacement where I worked on a stopmotion animation serie for BBC Northern Ireland. It was my job to assist the modelmaker and make all kinds of props for this series. I made props/minatures like news papers, lipstick, wine bottles, magazines, book covers, flowchards, car seats, spam cans, crisps packs, chocolate rappers, tissue box, tabbletops, window curtains, head phones, phones, golfball, little cocktail umbrella and olive, nut and cracked nut, dvdcovers, cd’s, a medicine cabinet, medicine jar with pills etc. etc.

I also did repairs of props and puppets, made puppetparts like arms and even made a couple of puppets myself.

The animation proces was on TV add Channel 4: